5 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (Sep 24)


4. Hair vs. Hair

Matt Hardy Jack Evans Tony Schiavone


Look, Matt Hardy is doing everything in his power to make the feud with Orange Cassidy worthwhile. It's just...well, is this actually going to help take Cassidy to the next level? That strategy would make sense if Orange hadn't already rivalled the likes of Chris Jericho in major matches.

What is walloping 'Big Money Matt' gonna do for him? Worse, AEW want to drag this thing out by dreaming up a 'Hair vs. Hair' match between Cassidy and Jack Evans. Nothing about this is coming across as must-see; the hair gimmick is unspectacular because Evans isn't over and Orange has short hair, and beating Jack to get to Matt feels bland.

Worries were expressed when All Elite thought that Hardy vs. Christian Cage was the way to go over a decade after that was relevant. Now, those same fears are cropping up with a younger guy (Cassidy). This is a skippable story.

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AEW Rampage
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