5 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (Sept 16)

2. A Waste Of Time

Ethan Page Danhausen

Also, bin these squashes from Rampage's format.

The show is far too short to waste a few minutes on these things. Ethan Page beating the popular Danhausen in 60 seconds was pointless, and it didn't need to be on the card. Christ, just ditch the Page/Order nonsense, give Stokely Hathaway some mic time and then tack on a few more minutes to the main event.

Stokely explaining his side to the MJF/Firm situation is infinitely more intriguing than Danhausen failing to put a curse on 'All Ego'. Word to AEW: Squashes should have some sort of purpose. They should pretty much elevate the person doing the squashing. Did that happen here? Nah, not really.

All this match achieved was chewing up some minutes for entrances and...that's it. Worse, fans are still in the dark as to why Hathaway put together this faction and paved the way for MJF to become number one contender.

The "retainer" thing needs to be explored further.

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AEW Rampage
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.