5 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (Sept 16)


5. Proof They Deserve More TV Time

Penelope Ford Willow Nightingale

Time for some much-needed positivity.

Despite the bitching in those 'Downs', Rampage did have a lot to be happy about. Penelope Ford vs. Willow Nightingale, for example, was a fine little TV match that showed why both women deserve to be on screens more than they are. That's especially true for Willow, by the way.

Ford is back in the mix after being shoved to the side and suffering through some injuries. She has personality for days, and took the show's sweetest bump by eating a nasty landing onto the ropes from Nightingale's pounce. Man, that looked incredible.

Willow has been excellent every time she's been given a chance on the major shows, and Ford works the heel role very well. Do not be too surprised if either of these women finds their way into the TNT or AEW Women's Title hunt sometime soon.

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