5 Ups & 4 Downs From Last Night's Impact Wrestling (Jun 14)

3. Causing Havok

It was noted last week (and briefly in this article earlier on too) that bringing Jessicka Havok back to Impact Wrestling wasn't the best move, simply because there wasn't enough space to bring another name into the Knockouts division and build her up enough.

However, as long as Jessicka keeps up performances like this, then she'll make her own space. She completely destroyed poor Masha Slamovich in the pair's match. No matter what Masha tried to do, nothing was enough to even faze Father James Mitchell's latest disciple. A chokeslam and a tombstone ended the merciless beating, so clearly, Havock's been watching her Undertaker tapes.

If this keeps up, then it'll be a similar story to that of Ace Austin a few weeks ago. It didn't look like there was space for him, but he's fit right in with the other lads in the X division. Time for Jessicka to do the same in the Knockouts division, causing Havock for everyone else along the way - and yes, prepare to be bombarded with Havock puns for as long as she's on the roster.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.