5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE Raw (21 Oct - Results & Review)

4. Wyatts Intervene

WWE Raw The Final Testament Wyatt Sick6

Regardless of whether they’re everyone’s cup of tea, everyone has to acknowledge that the Wyatt Sick6 have been a success since their debut. They’ve been handled well overall, even disappearing for a good while so they didn’t become too overexposed at the outset.

The group, which had been teasing their return in video packages and onscreen “glitches” during Raw, showed up Monday night to confront Miz and the Final Testament, taking out Karrion Kross and AOP before Uncle Howdy set his sights on Miz. Paul Ellering for some reason saved Miz and took the Mandible Claw from Howdy, delaying Miz receiving his punishment.

The Final Testament has been largely a joke of a stable, losing the vast majority of their matches (including Monday night!), but feuding with the Wyatts is a perfect role for the group, one spooky-adjacent stable battling another. Final Testament being pulled into the Wyatt-verse doesn’t affect major storylines, and it’s not a stable with a tremendous upside that would get sidetracked.

The attack was done well, with the Wyatts showing up quickly rather than taking eons to appear. It’s also worth noting that WWE weaved several character arcs into this one segment. Xavier Woods, who was Kross’ first target, once again showed heelish behavior by preventing Kofi Kingston from saving R-Truth from a Final Testament beatdown. Truth attacked Miz at ringside to get revenge for betraying him. And then there was Kross continuing to whisper into Miz’s ear at ringside.

While some of it was good and some was not so great, you can’t deny that they successfully crammed a bunch into one segment.

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Scott is a former journalist and longtime wrestling fan who was smart enough to abandon WCW during the Monday Night Wars the same time as the Radicalz. He fortunately became a fan in time for WrestleMania III and came back as a fan after a long high school hiatus before WM XIV. Monday nights in the Carlson household are reserved for viewing Raw -- for better or worse.