5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE Raw (July 24)


4. “Seven Year Bitch”

Seth Rollins Finn Balor

Contract signing segments rarely offer anything unique, and this one certainly couldn't boast individuality. It was the same over-the-table verbal jousting that turns physical you've been seeing for decades, and that was a pity when it closed the show. Honestly, maybe Drew McIntyre putting GUNTHER through a table would've been a hotter finish.

Tampa just wasn't that up for this.

Sure, Judgment Day got to reinforce their dominance by kicking the sh*t out of Seth Rollins, but something felt off about the whole thing. Sami Zayn also became the second spirited babyface in a row (after Matt Riddle) to run in for the save and get his arse booted.

Unfortunately, Finn Bálor's "seven year bitch" line referencing prior events at SummerSlam 2016 fell on deaf ears because fans were far too busy belting out Seth's entrance tune. That was supposed to be the big line here, but few paid much attention to it.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.