5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE Raw (July 24)

3. Raw Probably Didn’t Need This

Damian Priest Apollo Crews

Damian Priest is getting more than enough TV time as part of Judgment Day, and he absolutely does not need to be smashing through squashes now he's Mr. Money In The Bank. No, nobody's suggesting Priest being dominant is a bad thing, but WWE pretending Apollo Crews was the right choice of opponent is laughable.

Special mention to Kevin Patrick for gamely asking, "Who will prevail?!" right before the ad break. Come on now, sir - there was no chance in hell Crews was getting the win here, and everybody knew it. Yes, KP has to try and put some drama onto everything, but creative put him in a tough spot because...Apollo ain't over.

Few take him seriously these days as a true threat.

No-one asked for this three-minute showcase, and it existed only to kill some time on the show. That, bearing in mind Damian was featured elsewhere with the rest of his stable and even teased a cash-in on Rollins later, rendered it pretty pointless.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.