5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE Raw (July 24)

2. Not This Time, Trish!

Becky Lynch Zoey Starks Manhandle Slam

Zoey Stark is killing it right now, isn't she?

Trish Stratus' protege entered another standout showing vs. Becky Lynch, and it's one she can be rather proud of. Lynch earned her obvious rematch with Trish at SummerSlam because of this win, but the pair laced their bout with some delicious near falls that successfully tricked the audience.

Becky kicked out following a ringside headbutt behind the ref's back from Stratus, then again when Trish tried to interfere and Stark rolled Lynch up. That echoed the finish they worked from several weeks back, and most in Tampa seemed to believe lightning would strike twice.

Everything was high energy, watertight and had a nice zip to it. Zoey will be absolutely fine on the main roster if she keeps up this standard of work - she's meeting top stars like Becky halfway in featured spots on TV, and that must be catching attention behind the scenes.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.