5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (3 May - Results & Review)

4. Tension Between Old Rivals

Bianca Belair Jade Cargill Bayley Naomi

Time to admit something. Yours truly palmed his forehead when Bianca Belair gleefully danced out for her match and seemingly didn't mind teaming with old foe Bayley. Then, something awesome happened: Belair shunned Bayley and the pair repeatedly glared at one another. That's a real human response from both.

They did a neat job of showcasing tension that stretches back a lot way. Bianca hasn't magically changed her tune on Bayley since the new Women's Champ was Damage CTRL's leader, and Bayley is already sick and tired of trying to win her over/prove that she's changed. It's a good story.

At one point, Bayley needed to tag out but Belair was the only one available on the babyface ring apron. Realising this, Bianca shouted, "So you need me now?!" before Jade Cargill intervened to get the match back on track. That's simple storytelling, but simple storytelling is sometimes the best.

Good stuff.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.