5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (April 14)


5. The “Vicious” Viking Raiders!

The Viking Raiders Valhalla

Last week's match pitting Ricochet vs. Ivar served up some good bigger man vs. smaller man fun. Fast forward to Friday, and The Viking Raiders were in no mood to entertain in-ring. Nah, they just fancied kicking the sh*t out of their foes instead, so that's what Erik and Ivar did.

The Raiders went vicious again by brutalising Rico and Braun Strowman backstage. Fingers crossed this isn't another false dawn for the team, because they're had one too many of those and really can't afford another any time soon. They must be this full-on and in-your-face from here on out.

It's the only way.

As aforementioned in previous articles, it's rather cool to see WWE keep some tags purring in the background away from the Undisputed Tag Title picture. They badly needed to start doing that, and hopes are high that The Viking Raiders vs. Ricochet and Braun Strowman story will lead to some killer matches.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.