5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Nov 18)

1. A Missed Opportunity

Braun Strowman New Day

The whole thing felt like a colossal missed opportunity.

New Day didn't need a bounce back win after losing their Tag Title record to The Usos. Imperium, meanwhile, definitely could've used a tag-team win over a duo the standing of Kofi and Woods, but they didn't get one here. WWE probably picked the wrong result.

Triple H's team could've had that GUNTHER vs. Braun tease even in defeat for the faces. Kaiser or Vinci pinning one of the New Day lads would've kept them strong, and the IC Champ still could've met his physical match in Strowman as an extra layer.

Imperium looked too weak on Friday night, and that's a pity. GUNTHER's crew has been one of the blue brand's strengths for months; nobody's saying they need to be a main focus every week, but at least throw the backup members a crumb or two where possible.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.