5 Ups & 6 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (May 10)
3. Riddle The Snake-Charmer?
On first viewing, the 8-man tag match featuring RK-Bro looked like a misstep in the adventures of Randy Orton and Riddle, with a decent match that had a dumb post-bout angle.
After Orton RKO’d Elias for the pin, New Day went to congratulate Randy, who in turn RKO’d both Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston while Riddle stood there aghast. The Original Bro pleaded with Orton that this was why they have trouble making friends, half-smiling at him. The Viper then left the ring without a word.
Now, after some reflection, you have to remember that this is who Orton has always been. If anything, we should be disappointed in Kofi and Xavier for being chumps and thinking that he’d change his behavior after all these years. But maybe the idea here is that Riddle is the one guy Orton hasn’t turned on, the one guy who levels the Viper out.
Of course, we could be giving WWE way too much credit, but there is a possibility here, and until proven otherwise, we’ll go with it.