5 Ups & 7 Downs For AEW In 2023 (So Far)

3. Collision Is Coming

AEW Collision

Yes, yes it does resemble classic WCW Monday Nitro.

That's not a diss, it's simply the truth. AEW's new Collision show already conjures up images of Nitro's glory days, but it'll feel fresh to younger viewers who didn't live through WCW's peak. Really, the aesthetic is an overall win for Tony Khan, but it'll be interesting to see what the numbers are like for All Elite's new Saturday night show.

It'd be stupid to give Collision a 'Down' without at least seeing what it's like. This show deserves a fair shake, and everyone's hopeful that it'll sit snugly alongside Dynamite as 'A' tier AEW programming every single week. There has also been talk of a soft brand split to help differentiate it too.

The hubbub generated by a new weekend wrestling show earned Collision 'Up' status here. Khan's announcement, and the fact it gives people more rasslin' to watch, should be viewed as a good thing. Go forth and smash it, AEW!

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