5 Ups & 7 Downs For AEW In 2023 (So Far)


5. AEW Starting House Shows

AEW House Rules

Previously, working limited dates compared to WWE's more rigorous schedule was a dangling carrot for wrestlers signing with AEW. One match per week (at most) became the norm for many, but the company began promoting non-televised live events this past March.

They've been testing the waters ever since.

Fingers crossed this expands into a fuller touring schedule, because there are tons of workers on the roster who'd benefit from more in-ring reps. House shows should also, in theory, let AEW dip a toe into fresh markets to gauge interest - if successful, those places would then get Dynamite, Collision and/or pay-per-views.

The biggest benefit of house show touring is that wrestling fans get more top-notch fare in local markets. AEW's roster produces the goods in-ring, so you're practically guaranteed a night of great wrestling if you buy a ticket.

This is a big positive for the promotion.

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