5 Ups And 2 Downs From Last Night's NXT (April 1)

5. Stare-way To Heaven

Dexter Lumis

Under absolutely no circumstances should NXT be debuting* a new star in the midst of all this. On a production level, you're never going to want to revisit the footage of them making their long-awaited bow* on the brand in front of a load of empty chairs. On a professional level too, it adds an unnecessary distraction when they should be concentrating on making the first impression.

But Jesus H Murray, when you're Dexter Lumis it's absolutely perfect.

Everything about his act from the creepy music, to his physical performance, the unblinking gimmick, everything, it was all absolutely tailor-made for an empty arena with zero crowd. The fact he doesn't make any audible noise in the ring would have been lost on a regular show but here it's a major talking point.

Credit where it's due as well to Jake Atlas for making what could have been a by-the-numbers squash match an entertaining affair, but if we are going to be pushing forward with these shows for the foreseeable I want Dexter Lumis on every single one of them.

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