5 Ups And 2 Downs From Last Night's WWE NXT (28 Oct)

3. Dash & Dawson Are Steamrolling Right Now

During last week's article, I wrote about how simple, no-nonsense aggressive booking has helped cement Dawson and Wilder as a legitimate threat in NXT. This week, I've got no choice but to do so again, after yet another beautifully executed act of no-frills thuggery by the two men. In the colourful and acrobatic world of NXT, D&W have quickly carved out a nice gimmick for themselves as throwback thugs, channeling Arn Anderson-era violence with none of them fancy moonsaults the kids love these days. It's working a treat, with their latest brutal attack on Colin Cassady's leg strongly reminiscent of the sort of punishment that The Four Horseman used to dispense, marking them out as definitive contenders for the Vaudevillain's titles. With their momentum absolutely snowballing right now, it wouldn't be a huge shocker if we saw the two brutes with gold around their waist in the near future. They are stripped-bare aggression, but with week-in, week-out solid booking, they're a true feather in NXT's cap.
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.