5 Ups And 3 Downs From Last Night's WWE NXT (Nov 11)
3. The Case Of The Disappearing Dillinger
This is a minor point, but noticeable when it happens on NXT, which is a program booked and called by folk who've established themselves as possessing rather more attention to detail than their main roster counterparts. Last night Tye Dillinger disappeared. He's out there lost and scared right now. If you find him, please call 555-10-10-10-10. Dillinger and Corbin were set to square off in a match, but before the bell even rang, Crews tackled Corbin and the bout was called off, though little mention of that was made by the commentators. In the ensuing violence, Dillinger just vanished. He wasn't at ringside when the scuffle had ended, nor did Saxton, Grave or Brennan mention him at all. Dillinger got an entrance (at least there's that) but it's odd for NXT not to acknowledge him in any way. You'd expect the company to give Tye a little spotlight before or after the match; perhaps a camera shot, a mention from commentary, even a backstage interview? Perhaps the match could've gone two minutes before Apollo's run-in? I get that Dillinger wasn't the focus of this segment, but it was possible to keep all plates spinning and not have Tye fade from memory. Such stuff is damaging, even if it's purely sub-conscious. Simply put, if Dillinger doesn't matter to the production, then he may stop mattering to the audience.