5 Ups And 3 Downs From Last Night's WWE NXT (Nov 11)
2. The Ascension Are Rubbish
It's easy to feel a little sorry for the Ascension after witnessing the stark and crushing fall from grace that they've suffered since moving to the main roster. It's tough for anyone to watch them go from the height of the tag team division in NXT (their record run with the belts has yet to be matched) to the nadir of being the publicly spanked by a hoard of rambunctious old men: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysIfKq5c8ow But then you watch them cut a promo like they did on last night's episode of NXT and the empathy fades away. The Ascension really are rubbish. Their promos are retro in all the worst senses; they shout without any real emphasis or meaning, growl and quiver their spitting lips, and grimace like they're trying to pass kidney stones. It was a promo so inert that it genuinely threatens to derail any rub that Jordan and Gable hope to receive by beating them.