5 Ups And 3 Downs From Last Night’s WWE SmackDown (Jan 28)

1. The Big Show Is Babyface Again

It'd take a mathematical genius to tally up the number of times The Big Show has turned in his career with the WWF/WWE. Since he first appeared in the company back in 1999, the gigantic star has flipped between heel and babyface with quite alarming regularity. It's almost a running joke at this point. On Smackdown, it became clear that WWE once again expect people to cheer for the man. This flies in the face of the fact that there hasn't been any reasonable explanation as to why he's on the good side of the alignment divide again. It seems the creative team feel his elimination from the Royal Rumble at the hands of the heel Braun Strowman is motivation enough. Quite clearly, it isn't. Fans are jaded on the idea of The Big Show turning, so it plays to less and less of a reaction each time it happens. Show helped Reigns, Ambrose and Jericho clean house of The Wyatts on Smackdown, something which is likely leading to an 8-man tag bout. Don't be surprised if Show faces Strowman at Fast Lane either.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.