5 Ups And 3 Downs From Last Night's WWE SmackDown (Oct 22)


3. Bo Dallas vs. Ryback Is A Squash Fans Have Seen Before

Bo Dallas is the very definition of 'enhancement talent' in WWE currently. The positive thinking character is tailor made for squash matches like the one he worked opposite Ryback on Smackdown. Sadly, the bout was a complete retread of an earlier match between the pair. Therefore, the contest was easily the least exciting on the program, even though it was very brief. All-in-all, Ryback vs. Bo Dallas only lasted around 2 minutes. Admittedly, that's an inoffensive time limit, and the match did help keep Ryback strong before Hell In A Cell. On the Pay-Per-View, 'The Big Guy' will face Kevin Owens in an attempt to win back the WWE Intercontinental Title. More could have been achieved on Smackdown, such as actually having Owens present for Ryback's win. During the feud, the champion has been staying out of harm's way since winning the belt. That's smart, but it felt a little hollow to simply have him cut a post-match promo on his rival. Physically putting Owens on the ramp to watch Ryback tear through Dallas would have been more effective. This just felt like a wasted opportunity, as short as it was.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.