5 Ups And 3 Downs From Last Night's WWE Smackdown


3. Seth Rollins Is Coming Across As A Cowardly Idiot

It's entirely symptomatic of WWE's current booking strategy that Seth Rollins has flipped between confident double-champion and runaway coward in just over one month. At SummerSlam, Rollins conquered John Cena to become both the WWE World Heavyweight and United States Champion. Fast forward to today, and he's scampering away as much as he can from 'Demon' Kane. Of course, this is the creative team's attempt to make Kane look intimidating and fearsome under his masked guise. However, it also has the knock on effect of making Rollins look like a coward. There's no problem with him occasionally showing fear, but he's confusingly also coming across as a blithering idiot during promos. Smackdown was no different from Raw in that respect. Opening the show with cries against Kane's obvious split personality, Rollins didn't come across as a World Champion. He's already being shunted down the card at Hell In A Cell, due to The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar, so it's critical he looks strong. On Smackdown, he most certainly didn't. By contrast, he looked like a frightened child whenever he appeared on screen.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.