5 Ups And 5 Downs From Last Night's WWE NXT (April 15th)

2. Putting The Main Roster's Commentators To Shame

The current obsession that WWE has with 3-man commentary teams is highly detrimental to the product. The RAW team are a giggling, squabbling mess, and the Smackdown team are Fifty Shades of Meh. This week, NXT put them to shame with the two-man team of Rich Brennan and Corey Graves. While neither man has yet achieved their full potential, simply put, the absence of a third voice elevates the quality of the commentary by leaps and bounds. Brennan and Graves had room to both analyse the current storylines at play and call the action move for move. Graves took play-by-play, Brennan added levels of colour enthusiasm. Simple but effective. It's not a difficult formula at all and it's somewhat baffling that the WWE incorporate it as little as they do. The two-person combination is lean and efficient and places the audience's focus exactly where it should be, in the ring.
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Content Producer

Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.