5 Ups And 5 Downs From Last Night's WWE NXT (April 15th)

3. Rage Riley Rage

Alex Riley isn't done with the NXT Champion. A backstage promo from Alex Riley aired during the show, during which he made his intentions very clear. Next week, he wants a piece of Kevin Owens. It was a highly effective promo that made Riley look equal parts desperate, courageous and foolhardy, considering the woodshed that Owens took him to when last they met. Riley eyes bulged as he said "I've got nowhere else to go." And it rings true. Riley looked twitchy and dishevelled, a man on the edge, willing to die on his sword rather than swallow his pride. While no one can possibly expect A-Ry to go over Owens without severe Sami-Zayn related shenanigans, this is the most entertaining the ex-commentator has been in years, and poses the question: "What DID happen to Alex Riley?" As he continues to rage against all possible odds, Riley, like Tyson Kidd before him, is finding new life in front of our eyes. Rage, you crazy doomed sod, you.
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.