5 Ups And 5 Downs From Last Night's WWE NXT (April 15th)


5. The Crowe Flies

While it's sad to lose CJ Parker, the man who forced him to submit, Solomon Crowe, is most definitely a bird taking flight. Formerly known as Sami Callihan, Crowe is a near-10 year indy veteran who's worked for promotions like Combat Zone Wrestling, Ring Of Honor, and Pro Wrestling Guerrilla. He has a stacked move-set too, with one of the crunchiest suicide dives in the business: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoEZ395PXh8 He has a unique look, like Dragonball Z's Goku after some seriously hard times, and an intriguing gimmick. WWE are depicting him as some sort of hacker, tapping into the ring-side displays and the programme's video feed. While he's yet to make it clear what he wants, other the generic 'it's my time, this is just the beginning' rhetoric, the visuals are fun. Also, the crowd have started to squawk when he goes to the top turnbuckle. That's pretty neat as well. While Crowe hasn't exactly made the same splash that indy superstars Itami, Balor and Owens have made in the last year, with more impressive wins like this, he has all the potential to become a sleeper hit with the WWE Universe.
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.