5 Ups And 7 Downs From WWE Raw (Feb 7)
1. 20+ Minutes Of Main Event Filler
Seth Rollins versus Riddle and RK-Bro versus Rollins & Kevin Owens sound like two matches that could actually be good, meaningful matches.
But in WWE Land, those matches exist to help fill out the final half-hour of Raw. Riddle/Rollins was slated to main-event the show with about 20-25 minutes to go. Though there wasn’t much of a story to this one – both men are in the Elimination Chamber next week, and Riddle has a future Raw Tag Team Championship match on the horizon – this had some promise.
However, the match ended in a DQ when Owens attacked Riddle, which brought out Randy Orton. This gave way to a tag match between the four, which ended when Rollins hit the Stomp on Riddle and pinned him. So WWE protected Riddle in singles action with a DQ, only to beat him in a tag match – while RK-Bro has a tag title shot.
This was more about filling the last block of Raw than it was making sense as a storytelling device, and it showed.