5 Ways IMPACT Wrestling Is Outclassing The Competition Right Now

2. There's No Glass Ceiling

Deonna Purrazzo
IMPACT Wrestling

Rich Swann, someone who'd never escape cruiserweight status in WWE, became the IMPACT World Champion at last year's Bound For Glory, setting him on a course that culminated in him wrestling a pay-per-view main event vs. Kenny Omega. Deonna Purrazzo, similarly, was cut from WWE - who could never find a viable use for her - has more or less been Knockouts Champion for a whole year, minus a couple of weeks between her reigns.

They are just two examples of names who have flourished in IMPACT post-WWE. Swann would never be the Universal Champion. Purrazzo could have been NXT Women's Champion, but she was never allowed to reach such a status. Both have enjoyed two title runs apiece in IMPACT, though.

All Elite Wrestling takes a different approach to this.

Miro could be World Champion one day, however, he isn't ready for it yet. He's merely been positioned as TNT Champion to send him down that route one day. Jungle Boy could also be the Ace of AEW, and arguably is ready for that spot. Kenny Omega's time on top isn't ready for its conclusion, though, and the title change certainly wouldn't go down on a random Dynamite episode.

In short, AEW and IMPACT are both capable of removing this glass ceiling we hear of in WWE. IMPACT is a step ahead, though, simply because they take greater risks. Tony Khan and co. will get there one day.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.