5 Wrestlers Who Could Join The Teased New AEW SUPER Stable
4. Hangman Page

Is there such a thing as the 21st century Ricky Steamboat - a character who can operate as a beloved babyface for the entirety of their run?
If anybody within AEW fits that description, it's Hanger: affectionately known as AEW's "main character", Page has forged a hermetic bond with the AEW base. They adore him and believe in him to such an extent that they are convinced the entire promotion exists to establish him as a superstar. A hero.
Now, the thing about the Elite saga is that, to varying degrees of success, they can't remain on friendly terms for too long. It can get a bit much, a bit contrived, and writing from the perspective of somebody who was heavily invested in the storyline between 2017 and 2022, it may well have peaked.
At Blood & Guts, as the Golden Lovers reunited and posed down the camera, Hanger looked a bit forlorn. Was this a neat bit of cinematography, or did he just happen to be selling the rigours of the match in the same shot?
One thing is certain: the Elite are bound to fall out at some point in 2023.
Page, who can be manipulated historically, needs something to heat him back up to the level he was operating at throughout 2021, and a heel turn - one ultimately designed to remind fans that they love Hanger and want to see another redemption arc - may be the best means of accomplishing that.