5 Wrestlers Who Made The ROH World Title

2. Bryan Danielson

Bryan Danielson Roh

Many wrestlers have been described as the best in the world - Bret Hart, CM Punk, even Shane McMahon. Bryan Danielson was determined to prove his name should be added to this list when he became ROH World Champion in 2005.

As a result, he would face anyone. Not just members of the ROH roster, but CZW's Chris Hero, Japanese star KENTA, and even luminaries like Lance Storm.

Tying McGuinness' record for title defences over his 462 days as champ, Danielson exhibited technical prowess that saw him compared to Dean Malenko in classics with CM Punk, AJ Styles and the match that crowned him champion, against James Gibson.

Despite, or perhaps due to his diminutive stature, Danielson adopted an ultra-aggressive style when facing opponents bigger than him. Brutal contests with Samoa Joe and Takeshi Morishima followed, and although the 'American Dragon' suffered a detached retina in the Morishima match, he still stole the show.

An famous title-unification match with Nigel McGuinness at ROH Unified in 2006 saw Danielson emerge victorious after savagely beating McGuinness unconscious with elbow strikes in one of the greatest ROH showdowns ever.

Danielson's reign ended at the hands of Homicide at Final Battle in New York, but not before he had personified what it takes to be crowned ROH World Champion.

I wonder what ever happened to him?


Lanky, specky, ginger bloke who loves all things wrestling, football and quiz related. The man who invented the #BloodyGoodQuiz.