5 WWE ECW Superstars You Most Likely Forgot All About

3. Colin Delaney

The original ECW always loved a good underdog. From Mikey Whipwreck to Spike Dudley, the old ECW had a way of taking an "everyday" looking guy and turn him into the ultimate fan favorite. The fans would rally so strongly behind this underdog that when the big payoff of a title win or feud-ending victory occurred, the crowd of a few hundred would sound like a crowd of a tens of thousands. Enter Colin Delaney. Week after week, this nerdy looking smaller-than-your-average-wrestler would come out and get squashed by Kane, Big Daddy V, or any other big man. He would continue to come out and accept whatever challenge thrown at him, with the amount tape wrapping his injured body parts growing each week. He never won a single match until ECW original Tommy Dreamer took him under his wing. In the original ECW, Colin Delaney would have been booked like the ultimate underdog. He would continue to work hard, his friendship with fan favorite Tommy Dreamer strengthening, and his never give up attitude gaining him respect from the fans. Eventually, Colin Delaney would find himself in a position to score a career defining win and somehow, someway pulling off the big win, creating an unforgettable moment between superstar and the fans. However, in WWECW, Colin Delaney would continue to be booked as a loser, eventually turning on Tommy Dreamer without much rhyme or reason. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyeJbCscNek Colin Delaney was released about a month after his heel turn. He returned to the indies where he took on the awesome indie gimmick of being a stuck up big shot because he had a run with the WWE. This was hands down the best thing that came out of his WWECW run.
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Matt Binder hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.