5 WWE Tag Team Reunions That Ruled (And 5 That Sucked)

3. The New Age Outlaws (2013)

The New Age Outlaws 2013

It's incredible to think that Billy Gunn and Road Dogg were ever welcomed back into the 'WWE Family', considering the venom they spewed in the direction of their former employers during a series of shoot interviews in the aftermath of their releases. They reserved a special kind of venom for the man who would basically be their boss, Triple H, but it was all deemed water under the bridge.

The veterans were to come back and help the next generation out by working in road agent/producer (Road Dogg) and trainer (Gunn) roles. Smart appointments, I'm sure you'll agree. After all, The Outlaws were one of the most over acts during one of WWE's most popular periods and they had a wealth of knowledge and experience between them.

And, hey, as a one-off surprise for the nostalgia pop they were a good act to have on the books. Let them run through their spiel, work a six-minute match and get the hell out of there in one pice. That would have been all well and good, but WWE decided to resurrect them as a full-time act and, inexplicably, put the WWE Tag Team Titles on them, their first reign for fourteen years.

Heads were scratched and eyebrows were raised at that decision, as well as the decision to put them over young, up-and-coming teams like Primo & Epico and The Usos. They disappeared the night after they and Corporate Kane lost to The Shield at WrestleMania but returned to put over The Ascension on the 2015 Royal Rumble pre-show.

The Outlaws were an exciting act in their day, but they looked totally out-of-place in the WWE of 2013/14.


Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...