50 Greatest Wrestling Chants of All Time

23. €œBoo-tista!€

If there€™s one positive thing WWE fans got out of Batista€™s return to the ring this year, it was the Boo-Tista chants. What started off as a clever sign because an online sensation that made its way to televised events. Batista even pointed out the Boo-Tista chants, and it even got a hashtag on Twitter for whatever that€™s worth. It helped make Batista slide comfortably into the heel role, a role that most everyone agrees he should stick with from now on.

22. €œTake It Off!€

Related to the €œwe want puppies€ chant, this also applied to the Divas who at the time were way more scantily clad and were more than willing to show off just about everything their mothers gave them. This chant would often be used during a segment that involved the Diva having to strip for whatever the reason was at the time. The more naked they got, the louder the chanting got. It was a very male dominated time, but one that is looked fondly upon by many.

21. €œYou€™re Gonna Get Your F*cking Head Kicked In!€

This is a really fun chant to yell out, especially if you€™re in a small arena and everyone in the audience is shouting along with you. This chant is followed by loud clapping that would synch up with the rhythm of the chant. This was Daniel Bryan€™s special chant, and whenever he had his opponent down he would be sure to add a mighty kick to the head in order to please the fans. Thanks to the PG era of wrestling, that chant doesn€™t get thrown around in WWE, but at least Bryan still knows how to deliver a mean kick to the head.
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Daniel Bryan
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My name is Tom, i'm 27 years old, and I was born and raised in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Ever since High School I have had a passion for writing, and my long term goal is to have a successful career as a writer. I also love having discussions, so feel free to comment or get in contact with me if you agree or disagree with any of my articles.