50 Greatest Wrestling Chants of All Time

20. €œThank You, ____€

When a wrestler retires or simply decides to call it quits for awhile, a thank you chant is a well mannered way of sending the wrestler off on a high note. Many of the most notable legends in professional wrestling, after they stopped wrestling, would receive this chant shortly before leaving. This chant can also be heard often during WWE€™s Hall of Fame ceremony. It€™s a basic chant, but one that will remain a part of wrestling for generations to come.

19. €œShut The F*ck Up!€

Sometimes a wrestler simply doesn€™t know when to stop talking. They€™ll just yammer on and on about every little thing, and eventually the fans get sick of it and want to watch some wrestling instead. They could just say boring, but the more €œcolorful€ wrestling fans will simply tell the wrestler to shut the f*ck up. Usually the heel being targeted will just continue with his promo, but if the fans keep it up they may be lucky enough to see the guy lose his cool and go nuts in the ring. That€™s always a good time.

18. €œYou Still Got It!€

Some would say it€™s a compliment while others would call it patronizing. While it€™s nice for a wrestler who hasn€™t wrestled in a long time to hear that he or she has still got it, it also makes them think that the fans are trying to reassure them into believing that they haven€™t lost their touch. Ricky Steamboat at WrestleMania 25 is a perfect example of a wrestler getting this type of chant.
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My name is Tom, i'm 27 years old, and I was born and raised in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Ever since High School I have had a passion for writing, and my long term goal is to have a successful career as a writer. I also love having discussions, so feel free to comment or get in contact with me if you agree or disagree with any of my articles.