50 Greatest Wrestling Chants of All Time

17. €œBoo! Yay! Boo! Yay!€

It€™s the classic back and forth chant that every wrestler has gone through at one point or another. When both competitors are getting back up, they throw wild punches at each other. When the face hits the heel, it€™s given a yay chant. When the heel hits the face, it€™s given a boo chant. With every hit comes another chant, and usually the face will emerge victorious while the crowd chants yay along with every single punch that gets thrown at the heel. However, the heel might then hit a cheap shot which can cause a massive boo to even out all the little yays. The balance between good and evil continues.

16. €œ____ is Gonna Kill You!€

Some wrestlers have picked up this fun little chant by proving themselves to be very capable at dominating over a bunch of wrestlers. Samoa Joe and Tazz are two wrestlers in particular who have earned this chant, and the sing-songy tune of the chant is most likely the reason why it€™s such a popular chant even to this very day. Nobody in WWE is looking to kill anybody right now (except maybe Dean Ambrose with Seth Rollins,) but you can still hear the chants over at TNA whenever Joe gets used.

15. €œYou F*cked Up!€

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBztBCTFoKw The botch chant, pure and simple. When a wrestler botches a move so badly that it looks terrible either live or on television, the fans will not hesitate to remind the wrestler that, yes, he did in fact f*ck up that move. Ring of Honor fans are the worst when it comes to this chant. Even the slightest mistake at a Ring of Honor show can elicit massive you f*cked up chants that are embarrassing to sit through. Unless you're the one chanting of course; then it's fun.
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Daniel Bryan
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My name is Tom, i'm 27 years old, and I was born and raised in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Ever since High School I have had a passion for writing, and my long term goal is to have a successful career as a writer. I also love having discussions, so feel free to comment or get in contact with me if you agree or disagree with any of my articles.