50 Greatest Wrestling Chants of All Time

11. €œYou Suck!€

You can€™t think of €œyou suck€ as a chant without thinking about Kurt Angle. No matter how many times he proved time and time again that he didn€™t suck, the fans would still say he sucked. Not only that, but when Kurt Angle came out to his theme music, the audience would add €œyou suck€ into the theme song. At one point they even tried to combine you suck and what together, and that€™s when Kurt Angle nearly lost his mind. Now you suck isn€™t quite as catchy as it once was, but once in awhile an angry fan will shout it out at a wrestler for the hell of it.

10. €œThis Is Awesome!€

When something happens during a wrestling match that is just so amazing, so spectacular, so mind blowing, then it€™s time to bring out the €œthis is awesome!€ chant. The louder the chant, the more awesome the moment was, or so logic would dictate. Sometimes it can be something as simple as two legendary grapplers meeting in the ring staring at each other for a prolonged period of time. Anywhere else it would be a bore, but because of the significance and the impact of two worlds colliding, it turns out to be pretty awesome.

9. €œUSA!€

The most patriotic of all chants, €œUSA€ is a wonderful chant to shout out if you want everyone to know just how much you love the United States. €œHacksaw€ Jim Duggan has been using this chant for years in order to get a big pop out of the fans. Ideally, the USA chant is to verbally combat against foreign heel wrestlers. Because in professional wrestling, if you€™re a foreigner, you€™re probably a heel.
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My name is Tom, i'm 27 years old, and I was born and raised in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Ever since High School I have had a passion for writing, and my long term goal is to have a successful career as a writer. I also love having discussions, so feel free to comment or get in contact with me if you agree or disagree with any of my articles.