50 Worst WCW Moments Ever

46. Mike Awesome = “That 70s Guy”

WCW Worst Moments nWo

Check out this blatant bid to capitalise on the popularity of That 70s Show. At first glance, it isn't the worst plan, but Mike Awesome was not the wrestler best-suited to playing Michael Kelso (or whichever character he was supposed to be). Poor Mike just didn't have the charisma for this sort of thing.

WCW introduced the gimmick on the 6 September 2000 episode of Thunder. It was dead in the water instantly; fans rejected the character, and barely anybody was watching Thunder by that point in time anyway. For reference, Awesome switched again in January 2001.

He became the "Canadian Career Killer". The irony was lost on WCW.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.