6 Reasons Why WWE Needs An Off-Season

3. The WWE Network Would See A Boost


If WWE programming disappears from television for 10-12 weeks, that’s a potential knock on sponsors and advertising, and overall, a potential loss of money.

However, that doesn’t have to be the case. WWE can easily fill the gap of programming through various documentaries, annual review shows, and a most importantly, a sneak peek into original programming that fans can only see on WWE Network.

What better way to sell the network by literally showing them what’s on the network?

It's also basic supply and demand. Where is the supply during the off-season? On WWE Network. Even if fans simply tune in for a few months to get their wrestling fix, it could generate tons of revenue for Vince McMahon, and if there's one thing McMahon likes, it's revenue.

You could even play with the potential boost by promising 'exclusive' programming and events during the off-season only offered on the Network, which could easily empty $10 dollars out of a fan's wallet that misses their weekly dose of Raw or Smackdown.

The NFL Network has similar concepts with their programming, between weekly shows about training camps, the NFL combine, and others. There's no reason why it wouldn't work for the network; because quite frankly, it would.

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Wrestling, death metal, and cats.