6 Reasons WWE Fans Won't Miss Batista While He's Gone

4. He's Showing His Age

Batista was never a guy that was known for having the best matches in WWE, but in the mid 2000s he really improved in the ring. He had a number of quality bouts with the likes of Triple H, Undertaker, John Cena, Edge and other top guys. He really held his own and proved that he deserved his spot based on his performances. He wasn't just a muscle bound guy that was there because of look. He deserved it. Now that he's 45 years old and the second oldest active competitor on the roster (Kane is older, Undertaker isn't active enough), he's starting to show his age. In the first couple of months since he came back he looked visibly tired in longer matches. That improved as the weeks went on, but it's not like he was wrestling like 2005 Batista either. It's very hard for any wrestler to compete at a very high level in their mid-40s. Guys like Ric Flair did it and Shawn Michaels did too as well as some others, but for the most part that's when people are on the decline. Batista is no different no matter how hard he tried. Taking a break for a few months will be good for his body and mind.
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.