6 Second Generation Wrestlers Who Could Be The Next Big Thing

4. Xia Brookside

Xia Brookside

Regular viewers of NXT UK will know a little bit about Xia Brookside already. She's the 20-year old daughter of current WWE trainer and British wrestling legend Robbie, and she didn't waste any time training to follow in his footsteps. Xia wrestled her first match four years ago in 2015, which means she was only 16 when she made her pro debut.

Brookside's all-smiles demeanour makes her the perfect babyface; she does have an air of 'Diva' (the dreaded word) about her, but don't let that fool you. When the bell rings, Xia stays true to the rapid offence and selling that made her father's name mean something on the UK circuit.

She's someone WWE will surely want to keep around. It's not every day 2nd generation female wrestlers with this kind of zest come along. Who's to say Xia couldn't go on to emulate Charlotte Flair or Paige and stamp her mark on the top titles?

Brookside has a long way to go, but she seems to have a good head on her shoulders in interviews.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.