6 Things You Need To Know About Big Cass' WWE Release

2. There Were Negative Rumours After The European Tour

Big Cass Tye Dillinger

It may have slipped under the radar for some, but Big Cass had even more heat on him for his actions during WWE's European tour this past May.

Justin Barrasso of Sports Illustrated reported that multiple sources within WWE told the site Cass had angered officials by drinking heavily and making a public nuisance of himself in the UK and Europe. There was also one incident on the WWE tour bus that acted as a final straw to some.

Cass, believing he was being pranked by his peers and locked in, kicked down a bathroom door to get out. That meant others had to use the restroom without any privacy, and it didn't go down well with the touring party. This kind of outburst, along with generally making an ass of himself whilst intoxicated, worked against Cass.

So many incidents (the SmackDown defiance, drinking heavily on tour and damaging the tour bus) may have been the catalyst for Vince McMahon's decision. In isolation, perhaps none of these indiscretions would be enough to get him fired, but they did all happen in a short space of time.

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