6 Ups & 1 Down From WWE SmackDown (30 Aug - Results & Review)

1. Rock Solid Face To Face

Cody Rhodes Kevin Owens

Critics will rightly point out that WWE is in a holding pattern with Cody Rhodes. He wins on PLE > builds to another match for two-three weeks > wins on PLE > repeat. However, there does seem to be more meat on the bone when it comes to Kevin Owens, and the spirited face to face promo both men had on SmackDown proves it.

Cody and Kev covered everything they needed to cover here. Both addressed KO teasing he'd hit Rhodes with the belt last week, and Owens even mentioned a possible knee injury Cody has suffered on WWE's European tour. That's when things got tense between them. Firing back, Rhodes wondered if his friend was trying to back out of the title match again.

KO threw his mic down, whispered something in Cody's ear, then left. There was just enough intensity without going overboard yet, but you've got to believe that an Owens heel turn is coming. As others have mentioned online, that could feed into something involving Randy Orton once he's done challenging GUNTHER too.

This segment added some last-minute garnish on the title match between Cody and Kev.

What did you think of this week's WWE SmackDown? For more like this, check out 10 Things You Didn't Know About The WWE Title and 10 Unlikely Wrestling Faction Members That Totally Worked!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.