6 Ups & 2 Downs From AEW Dynamite (June 26)

3. The Pinnacle Outsmarts Konnan

FTR Tully Blanchard Konnan

Konnan needs a medal for some of his lines on Dynamite, and Tully Blanchard probably deserves a pat on the back for playing along and letting the babyface get the better of him on the mic too. That set the table for some masterful heel work that stole back the headlines for The Pinnacle.

The way FTR revealed themselves and then smashed K-Dogg with a spike piledriver was so damn evil. Little hairs stood up on the back of necks everywhere when they ditched the hoods, and the look of total horror written all over Konnan's face was a true, 'aw sh*t - I'm done' moment.

This was one million times better than a face-to-face between Konnan and Blanchard has any right to be in the modern era. If that sounds cruel, then consider what this could've been. Thankfully, AEW kept the legendary banter snappy, then finished with some kick ass build towards that eventual FTR vs. Santana and Ortiz match.


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AEW Dynamite
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