6 Ups & 2 Downs From AEW Rampage (11 May - Results & Review)

5. Lady Frost Excels (And More!)

Lady Frost AEW

Smashing into someone on social media like Maxx Crosby tackling a running back isn't always wise, but it can be hard to resist. Recently, yours truly saw a comment aimed at Lady Frost. It suggested she shouldn't get a gig with WWE or AEW because of "her age". Sorry, but no. She's 39, not 99 and in the care home.


It's doubly ridiculous when analysing Frost's performance on this week's Rampage vs. Deonna Purrazzo. She entered a top showing, and was actually one of the most dynamic workers on the entire Collision-into-Rampage block. Together, both women produced a snug, competitive effort that was super-slick from start to finish.

Some of the spots (including a dazzling spinning forearm/elbow smash from the top turnbuckle) Frost hit were spectacular but well-placed in the match. Some post-match shenanigans between Thunder Rosa and Purrazzo kept their issues bubbling away nicely too.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.