6 Ups & 2 Downs From AEW Rampage (11 May - Results & Review)

4. This Was Really Good

Claudio Castagnoli Lexy Nair

This just in: Claudio cares!

Claudio Castagnoli explained to Lexy Nair that he left the ring during Bryan Danielson's promo on Collision for one simple reason. He's worried about seeing his pal wrestle a brawl like 'Anarchy In The Arena' again, because he doesn't want Bryan's final year in wrestling to have a negative impact on the rest of his life.

This was one of Claudio's best ever promos, and that includes his WWE run. He came across as thoughtful and heartfelt - the speech felt like a real human being showing compassion for a friend. More promos in AEW should have this human touch. Credit to Lexy for letting the moment breathe instead of some canned, "...and back to ringside" response as well.

AEW can take this in multiple directions. They can have Danielson ease Claudio's worries, or they can have the 'American Dragon' get p*ssed off that Castagnoli doesn't think he can cut it anymore. Tony Khan planted a seed here. It'll be interesting to watch it grow.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.