6 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (16 Aug - Results & Review)

5. Let Them Fight!

Carmelo Hayes

Regular readers will know there's been a bitch and moan or two about this Andrade vs. Carmelo Hayes feud in these pages, but it comes from a good place. There's some PTSD here from the way NXT'ers like Cameron Grimes were treated on the main roster, and everyone just fancies seeing Hayes fulfil his potential and become a success.

Now for some good news.

The live crowd were right into what Andrade and Melo were selling on SmackDown. They had a tidy match, then worked a pull-apart brawl afterwards. Various officials and security held both men back as fans yelled, "LET THEM FIGHT!". Backstage, a crafty smile must've crossed Triple H's chops.

Again, it's no secret that the dude writing these words hasn't liked a lot of this mini-rivalry, but Hayes grabbing the win and the crowd's reaction does feel promising. It's a step forwards, and the overall action was good enough to score this segment an 'Up'.

Now, keep the momentum going please.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.