6 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (16 Aug - Results & Review)
3. KO Resists The Urge

A-Town Down Under made the numbers advantage count vs. a game Kevin Owens. He scrapped like you'd expect from a tough babyface, but eventually Cody Rhodes had to rush out and make the save. KO appreciated that on the surface, but there was a sneaky sub-plot waiting in the wings, and it proved a compelling one.
Kev could've cracked Cody from behind with a steel chair once Rhodes had saved him from the tag-teamers. He decided against it (which strangely received a scatter of boos from the live crowd!), and instead handed the WWE Title to his Bash In Berlin foe. Their friendship survives, at least for now.
The look on Cody's face told the story of a champ who's starting to understand that he might've opened a can of worms by handpicking KO. Owens has turned on better friends than Rhodes in the past, and this could be the last time he hesitates when presented with an opening.
The plot thickens. It bloody had to!