6 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (24 May - Results & Review)

1. Bayley Continues To Tread Water

Bayley Piper Niven

Bayley dispatched of Chelsea Green like this was Wrestling Challenge, she was Hulk Hogan and Chelsea was some local scrub with ill-fitting knee pads and a questionable moustache. To be fair, Green would probably make that look work. She's hardly shy when it comes to making a fool of herself and doing so in an entertaining way.

This match vs. Bayley didn't work, sadly. Piper Niven did step in to batter the champ post-match, so hopefully that leads to something (and a breakout performance for Piper), but the big story is Bayley; she's seriously struggling to convince as Women's Champion, and it isn't even her fault.

The creative she's been given since 'Mania is total house show fare.

Her title reign is awaiting lift off, put it that way. A friendly scenario opposite Naomi was bang average, then WWE abandoned her issues with Tiffany Stratton. Now, Bayley is tangling with a women's tag-team on her own. The champ's booking is all over the place.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.