6 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Nov 24 - Results & Review)

5. At Least They’re Doing Something!

Ridge Holland Butch Brawling Brutes

Pretty Deadly vs. Brawling Brutes wasn't much of a match (it was more of an angle, if anything), but it did push Butch and Ridge Holland closer to a seemingly inevitable split. Ridge walked out on his partner and left Pete Dunne ripe for a kicking at the hands of PD.

The split is incoming, people.

Or, maybe Sheamus will return and get these lads back on the same page. Failing that, the Brawling Brutes era is over. There's a silver lining either way; remain a team, and the unit can move forwards with fresh vigour. Split, and nobody will sniff at a Butch singles run. He's an excellent pro wrestler, and deserves a few showcase bouts on the main roster.

If nothing else, at least these guys have something going on creatively every single week. That's a decent spot to be in, and it sure beats sitting in catering every Friday, or working pre-show dark matches that mean little. The Brutes have a story to chew on, and that's a positive.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.