6 Ups & 3 Downs From Impact Wrestling (Jul 28)

2. Wrestle House Begins

Wrestle House is already one of the greatest things going in Impact Wrestling after only one official edition.

An ensemble of Impact stars will spend the next few weeks living in Tommy Dreamer's 'investment property', with 'The Innovator of Violence' promising the winner one million dollars. The best part about this is that there's a diverse group of roster members involved. One minute you're watching Susie and Kylie Rae being overtly pleased with everything about life, before seeing the bickering of Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie as John E. Bravo remains impartial, and then you've got Acey Romero and Crazzy Steve at each other's throats over who gets to sleep in the ring. There's a little something for everything in here.

Like with Cody Deaner's Kwaranteen skits from a few weeks ago, this is nothing more than a comedic way to allow fans to forget about everything else going in the world right now. A handful of jabs placed throughout only added to the comedic edge, most notably when Tommy Dreamer said Impact hadn't signed 'him' in response to Cousin Jake saying "no way Jose" to Susie's truce idea. He won't be winning comedian of the year for that line, but it's a nice touch given the circumstances.

Impact are treating this as a proper reality show by the looks of things, which could have ended drastically before it even got started. Luckily though, they know exactly how to handle these sorts of things.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.