6 Ups & 3 Downs From Last Night's WWE NXT (29 Jan)

2. The Losing Streak Gimmick?

Robert Stone Chelsea Green Kayden Carter

WWE's go-to storyline for egotistic heels (every so often) is that bloody losing streak gimmick, and it's absolutely horrendous. Seeing overconfident villains get egg on their face works under the right circumstances, yes, but when are they going to learn that this losing run thing is just plain dull?

It doesn't bode well for Chelsea Green or her manager Robert Stone.

Green lasted a pointless 12 seconds in the women's Royal Rumble last Sunday, then dropped to another defeat at the hands of Kayden Carter here. Meanwhile, Stone stood there like a useless mannequin and didn't offer much in the way of help. Dread is kicking in already that WWE might split these guys up before they even get started.

Someone in creative needs to have a word and point out that going on a losing run won't do Chelsea any favours. If anything, she should be hammering workers like Carter in short squash matches and establishing Stone's importance to her act.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.