6 Ups & 3 Downs From Last Night's WWE NXT (29 Jan)

5. Worlds Collide Continues

Finn Balor Trent Seven

As crappy as Trent Seven's decision to comedically slow roll into the ring when he should've been fired up was, his match with Finn Bálor was damn solid stuff. Further, it continued the trend set by Worlds Collide and allowed Mauro Ranallo to point out that this was an extension of the NXT vs. NXT UK format.

Both brands are quickly becoming interchangeable, but this was still cool.

The action was stiffer than a stiff man's stiff bits too, and twice as hard (on both men's bodies). Bálor's chest resembled Daniel Bryan's from 2018's Greatest Royal Rumble by looking like mincemeat by the end, probably because Seven chopped the living p*ss out of him several times, and the triumphant heel also had a cut on his nose.

Physicality is something neither Finn nor Trent shy away from during matches, and it showed here. They laid it in, and Bálor earned a momentum-boosting win heading into his aforementioned showdown with Johnny Gargano in Portland.

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